Red + Wolf | Donating to Wildlife and Animal Conservation Funds
Creator/maker, Rachael, and her dog created a line of eco-friendly greeting cards called Red + Wolf. Red and Wolf brings endangered species to light through beautiful, watercolor images while simultaneously raising money for wildlife conservation efforts.
Eco-Friendly, hyperlocal, community-based, Boston, dog rescue, female business owner, small biz, endangered animals, red wolf, artist, paper products, greeting cards, animal greeting cards, rhino, original art, wino, charity
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Wildlife Conservation Network
The founding concept of Red + Wolf is to directly aid in wildlife conservation around the world. We have partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Network to make this happen. For every Red + Wolf item sold $1 is donated to the WCN and in turn is given to endangered wildlife around the globe that need it most. Below you can learn more about the Wildlife Conservation Network and why we chose them as our charity partner.
“WCN protects endangered species and preserves their natural habitats by supporting entrepreneurial conservationists who pursue innovative strategies for people and wildlife to co-exist and thrive.”

WCN was built on the premise that one person can truly make a difference for wildlife. Independent wildlife conservationists have the power to ensure a future for wildlife by developing new solutions and working closely with communities to save endangered animals. In order to succeed, these wildlife heroes need funding to run their programs and assistance to build their organizations and ensure their efforts are scalable and sustainable. WCN partners with leading independent wildlife conservationists, providing them with an array of services and training in areas such as marketing, accounting, and strategic planning. WCN also creates connections to donors who can make these conservationists’ work possible.

Percent of funds donated to WCN used to support programs in the field

Saving wildlife requires the courage to pioneer new approaches and the commitment to work in remote, wild places. WCN believes that investing in the individuals who are willing to take on these challenges is the best hope for wildlife.


Local people who live among wildlife will determine the future of these animals, and are at the heart of wildlife conservation solutions. WCN’s Conservation Partners work with communities to understand their needs and jointly develop solutions to allow people and endangered animals to live together.


Wildlife Conservation Network focuses on efficiency to maximize the impact of its donations. Donors are able to decide where their dollars go by directing donations to a specific species. WCN guarantees that 100% of the designated donation will be sent to the field for use in conserving the species on the ground.