Red + Wolf | Watercolor Animals Printed on Eco-Friendly Paper
Rachael and her partner, a German Shepherd rescue named Chaco, created a line of eco-friendly greeting cards called Red + Wolf. It is their aspiration to bring endangered species to light through beautiful, watercolor images while simultaneously raising money for wildlife conservation efforts, and connecting friends through the rare handwritten note. Each design is hand watercolored, digitally enhanced, and printed on eco-friendly paper. All the materials used for Red + Wolf products and their shipping are eco-friendly. Additionally $1 per card sold goes to wildlife conservation. The hope is that through this Red + Wolf can help people stay connected, promote awareness of the need for conservation, and actually make an impact in helping to preserve our planet and the creatures in it.
eco-friendly, paper products, greeting cards, small business, wildlife conservation, red wolf, red and wolf, endangered species
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Our product provides a lighthearted way to broach the serious topic of wildlife conservation. Information is provided on each of the endangered species portrayed on our cards. By purchasing and giving our cards, our customers are helping to raise awareness to the importance of conservation.

Red and Wolf Product Page

One of our main goals here at Red + Wolf is to directly aid in wildlife conservation around the world. We have partnered with an amazing charity, Wildlife Conservation Network, to make this happen. For every Red + Wolf card sold $1 is given to the WCN, and in turn given to wildlife around the globe that needs it the most.

Red and Wolf Animal Wildlife Conservation

An important part of conservation is reducing our carbon footprint, sustaining natural habitats for wildlife, and allowing our forests to thrive. Because of this we make sure all of our products and their packaging are environmentally friendly, and we continue to make eco conscience decisions in all aspects of our business.

How Red and Wolf is Green

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world”

Anne Frank